Showing all 3 results

BLOCK Essential

WiFi Temperature & Humidity Data Recorder and Alarm

Temperature Range: -15 to +55°C (+5 to +130°F) Relative Humidity (RH) Range: 0 to 99% (No condensation) Connectivity: 2.4 GHz WiFi + Real-time Instant Broad Cast Alarm Function: Real-time email, text message, and automated phone call alarms to countless recipients Recording Interval: 2 seconds to 30 minutes with a syncing interval of 1 hour to one week (see Technical Specs tab) Power Supply: AA replaceable batteries (last up to 5 years depending on settings) or USB-C external adapter (hybrid)  
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Flood Detector Kit

3 meters (10 ft) of full-length sensitive flood/water leakage sensor with Socket Adapter
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Flood Extension Cable (3 meters – 10 ft.)

Extendable up to 100 meters (300 ft) with 30 interconnectable pieces
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